Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

Afroza yasmin, My discourse community

  1. Badminton team DC: In the badminton DC people who are the members in this team and they always work together, communicate what they need to do for their goals, how to improve and learn new things. Also, they have the option to join new people.

2. Religious DC:

Religious DC is a program that groups of people can join, create events together and give a lot of opportunity to know about religion. For example, I am muslim and my religion is Islam. I didn’t know many things about my Islam but when I came here I join the ‘Islamic Foundation program’ and I learn so many things from that program. Also, If you don’t know anything they never force you. They always help me to improve my religion by how much I know and how much I know. 

3. Human services DC:

This is another way to connect people to each other. This is another group of people who always give more opportunities in their lives. That’s why they have to communicate with others and human services main goals is to help people who have problems in their life.

1 Comment

  1. Kimberly


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