Quote 1: “One of the many things that I did learn in the investigative process was that university clocks move at different speeds in different parts of a university.”

This quote intrigues me because it shows the different mentalities of the groups that John M. Swales was doing research on. One group, the botanists, their “clock” goes by very slow, showing how they have a high tolerance to waiting long periods of time. They have a patience is key mentality. All that time that they decide to use is not put to waste, they borrow specimens longer than the minimum time that they were told to hold the specimens for. They go by things slowly, over long periods of time just like the plants they study.

Quote 2:“Thus, members of a DC may have different first languages, different religions, and belong to diverse ethnicities.”

This quote caught my eye because it gives me a better understanding as to what a discourse community is. I now see many things could be considered a discourse community. For example, the Air Force can be considered a discourse community because there are many people who are enlisted that come from all kinds of different backgrounds. Different reasons as to why they joined, different ethnic backgrounds, different religions, etc.