What have you learned about yourself as a reader and writer this semester?

I learned that it takes me a lot of effort to focus on what I am reading. I rarely read something intellectual in my everyday life that it’s hard not to day dream or zone out. But after actually reading texts a couple times it connects and I find myself better being able to express myself in words when writing.


How have you changed or developed as a reader and writer this semester?

I think I have not improved my reading drastically but definitely slightly. That’s because of the hard texts we had to read like Antigone. As a writer I have learned a lot. I had no clue what a discourse community was before taking this course. I also had no idea on how to write and annotated bibliography. So definitely gained more knowledge on writing.


Discuss what you learned in this class and how you might transfer this knowledge to other writing tasks, assignments, or situations either in college or in your community.

 We learned how to write reputable sources and how to write research papers. This will definitely come in handy in my everyday life because I am planning to change my major and so I won’t be graduating college any time soon.


What changed in your writing (and reading and thinking) as the genres changed?

 I believe I can better structure my sentences now. With viewing different writing styles and techniques. It gave me inspiration subconsciously because it shows in different assignments I do.    


What was particularly challenging for you in our course this semester and how did you overcome it (or attempt to)?

It might sound cliche but writing in general. If I had to choose between writing and reading it would be reading. I get scared to write something and it be wrong or messy. All the assignments is this class was thankfully cleared up in class and in each agenda bullet point.  


What did you expect to learn in this class? What did you actually learn?

I excepted to learn different ways to edit papers after writing them but it was more of learn as you go. If you have any questions you ask them.


How do you feel about the class and what you have learned now that the semester is over?

I’m grateful for the class and glad I choose the professor I did. It was fun even though it was late. I also appreciated the feedback on each assignment so we could see how we were graded. As mentioned before I learned how to do different types of writing assignment.