Some adjectives that I would give the two sister would be Antigone: Strong, honorable, and fearless. She is willing to go against the king(her uncle) in order to bury her dead brother. She also wasn’t scared to die for her actions because she knew that what she did was right. Ismene: weak-minded, but strong and honorable as well. Why because at first she didn’t want to have anything to do with her sister actions. She agreed with her but wasn’t willing to risk it all. At the end however she wanted to be killed along with her sister because she believed that she also was at fault for disobeying the law. For actresses that would portray them well I would say Queen latifah as Antigone and Taraji P. Henson as Ismene. Why because they both play their character well and make it easy for you to be absorbed into the storyline.

If Creon lived in today’s society he would be exactly like our former president. So with that being said he would post his thoughts on twitter. The reason being that he seems to like being the center of everyone attention. Since a lot of people are on twitter he will get people who agree and disagree with him. One monologue he would post would be ” Do you realize you are talking to a king? You’re a wise man, but you love to play tricks.”