Dear Future Student,
English classes are not easy on anyone but if anyone takes this English 1121 class, this class will be a smooth ride. The help from the professor is always there if needed and please do take advantage of this opportunity. The best part of this class is there is no test. If I could turn back time, I would take my time to enjoy this class and I would try to finish the assignment ahead of time. In addition, always ask questions when doing reading, some readings are very hard to translate from old English to new version English. So most of our class was about small low-stakes writing assignments, those writing are to boost your grades. Since we do not have any tests in this class that’s why we are given 4 major writing assignments. This is not very bad because this class gave us enough time to build our assignment into a perfect piece before submitting the assignments. So I would highly encourage all of you to take this course.
Tanjum Siddika
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