With this research project, something I found a bit difficult doing is actually finding all of my resources. With City Tech’s library database I would get many results, but many of them were not useful to my research question. Many of the sources I had to read were pretty long as well, which was a nuisance. Furthermore, City Tech’s databases did not have many multimodal sources other than articles and research journals, so I needed to search through Google for different sources. As my research focuses on how college students suffered with their mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, I was surprised to find that more than 52% of mental health institutions had been closed. Even though people would focus on the physical symptoms, mental symptoms are equally as important. How could people who suffer from existing mental health issues get the help that they need? Or what about people who have developed them? The government needs to work on helping people in any way possible, which is something the US government failed to do, but many other countries have succeeded in. COVID-19 has brought forth how truly unequal society is. Something I learned that I can apply to future classes is to focus on what the abstract says for many of the articles/journals. I find that many of them have been helpful in providing an accurate summary of what the paper contains.