Said Utkurov                                                                                                             11/12/2021


Word Count: XXXX

U2 Annotated Bibliography


Social justice: health care

When we were talking about social justice, I remembered watching a video about British being shocked at the true cost of US healthcare, I was curious why they were, so I found out that in UK an ambulance callout costs you £0. The birth of your child costs you £0 in medical bills. This gave me a change to learn about other country heath care and the US health care problems, some question I needed answers to were “Why is healthcare so expensive in USA compared to foreign country”, Has the government tried to lower the prices, and why do different hospitals charge different for same procedure.

Part 1 MLA Citation

Bali, Eren. “Why Is U.S. Healthcare so Expensive, and What Can We Do about It?” Carbon Health, 5 Aug. 2021,

Source Entry #1

     Journalist Eren Bali writes a post on Carbon Health a news website about why U.S. Healthcare is so Expensive. Bali Explains that the health care is expensive because it is made up of many factors, and each one defends itself by pointing out other factors. Bali writes “Hospitals defend the high price of healthcare delivery by saying that “malpractice is very expensive,” “uninsured patients cost a lot of money,” and so on. But those things are expensive because healthcare delivery is expensive in the first place.” He points out that this is not as simple as which came out chicken or the egg, the problem comes from healthcare providers starting a monopoly business for healthcare services, then using the leverage to increase the prices. In the end he says” Since legacy healthcare providers and insurers are complicit in this, the solution has to come from the other parties involved: the government, employers, consumers, and (self-promotion alert!) disruptive healthcare providers.” 

Part 2:  Reflection with quotes and my opinion

Part 1 MLA Citation

Merelli, Annalisa. “US Doctors Keep Lobbying for Things That Make American Healthcare so Expensive.” Quartz, Quartz,

Source Entry #2

          Senior reporter Annalisa Merelli writes a Quartz post about the new law being in effect on January 1 called No Surprises Act prevents unexpected billing towards health care. Merelli explains that No surprises act will force provides and insurance to work on the payments among themselves, by this action many patients will be in great relief, because many of the patient’s major concern in surprise billing by healthcare cost. Merelli Writes, “Nearly 40% of patients report having received at least one surprise bill,” and he points out that 60% say they are concerned about the issue.” He ends his essay by saying that “But there is a group that has little to gain from it and is none too happy about the rule—to the point many are actively lobbying against it: doctors.”

Part 2:  Reflection with quotes and my opinion

           Merelli provides a solution that was giving by the government which will be in effect in January 1, But she also point out that some people might not approve that law which might bring more problems towards the future, I wound have asked Merelli to ask the government how would they overcome this obstacle, this would be government vs Doctors which is a big argument.

Source Entry 3

     This is a 7-minute Ted talk video with a journalist and the CEO of ClearHealthCosts Jeanne Pinder, she talks about the actual cost for a treatment how different places charge differently, she brings up her own experience with the healthcare system, how she and her family members were charged, the first 2 family members were charged $2,000 for anesthesia each. then the 3rd one was charged $6,000. She found out she was on the expensive one being charged $1,419 which she could have bought in online for $2.49, she argued with the hospital and insure, all of them thought this was fine, then she realized that nobody knows the exact price cost of heath care before or after the procedure, She explains what if we could compare prices of healthcare like how we compare price of a printer on google, She made great point by comparing the price of echocardiogram in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Then she said that she made an online searchable database which would help people compare prices all over US. In her TED talk she explained the problem and told what she was able to do to solve that problem.

Reflection with my opinion

        This video was much better that other ones because she explained the problem and how people were not really caring to solve the problem, so she took some action and tried to solve the problem instead of just addressing it, in most other video’s people just address the problem they give sometimes the solution to the problem but they don’t take any action to solve the problem, even though some of the calls she made were declined she found out some new thing about the system. Some of the doctors said to her that their lawyers did not want them to tell the actual price, this says a lot about the system.


     Base on these 3 sources I have learned that many people were not aware of any price of any procedure, and how each hospital charges differently based on its location like in the video of Jeanne Pinder, and how people did not think that this was a big deal and how the government was not doing enough this recently, like the “No surprise act” that will be in effect on January 1