Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2021

Joshua Christopher, Social Justice Brainstorm

After looking at all of the topics I decided that the one I would choose was mental health.

In my research I was able to further grasp how underestimated mental health as a topic is. Many people suffer from the effects of poor mental health every day especially in a country like our where basic necessities can be met a lot easier. There is also the problem that Mental health was only recently actually considered as a facet of a happy life. As well as the fact that people used to think that things like depression were just for people who have to much and love to focus on what they don’t have. Not to mention the fact the conventions like social media are just mental traps to make regular people feel worse about their own lives. that is why I want to write about mental health.

  1. Why do people just shrug off mental issues until the point that they can’t anymore?
  2. Does the average person know about Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs?
  3. Do you(audience) think that mental health is a real problem of not? why?


  1. Shemika Semple

    Mental Health is a good topic to talk about and spread awareness. The last two questions can be seen as yes or no question so I suggest you word them another way. As for you first question as a person who suffer from mental health I would say its mostly because people are scared or they just don’t notice it.

  2. Olena Halytska

    I agree, this is a subject we do not focus on enough as a society, which also makes it a great choice for a research topic. Your first question seems to be the key in addressing the issue of awareness. And your other questions seem to only compliment it, with number 2 being a yes or no question. It might be worth considering questions such as Why is it socially unacceptable to call a disabled person “retarded”, but it is still okay to call people “crazy” or “insane” in casual conversation?

  3. Alvin Vasquez

    Mental health is a topic that must be addressed during times like this. Your first question is the key to addressing your social justice research topic while the two questions support the 1st question using the examples that you put in your thrid question

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