. Every fan new or old are speaking up about the hate other fans and even members of our community show to the boys. As a fan in this community our goals are to support our boys through thick and thin and shower them with love. They work so hard to create things to pay back the love we give them.To shed light on the issue many fans create videos to help other understand the group we support. They also make videos showing all the senseless hate that is directed to the group for no reason. They are many videos with enough content to understand the story of us fans and the journey we took with the people we idolize.

.This Should be shown to the malicious people who think that these boys don’t have feelings or family that are probably worried sick for their child’s safety everyday. They need to understand that they are human too, not robots but humans who get hurt just like everyone else. They need to understand that they too would feel the same way as us if it was a person they idolize standing in that position.They need to put themselves in the shoes of the people they hate and understand that words hurt, Threats are scary.