P1: Wollstonecraft

Wollstonecraft is writing this letter to inform men about the problems women have in their society. The issue is that women are subjected to discrimination because they are females. She sees this as a problem because a persons worth or value shouldn’t be judged by the gender they were born with. Being male doesn’t make you better and being female doesn’t make you less of a respected person. I would say her Discourse Community was a great way to bring light to the flaws of the world. I believe she was talking to both women and men. She was encouraging other females to stand strong but also telling men that we have rights and we will obtain them.

P2: Young

Young is presenting this speech to inform people about the lies that form around a specific group of people. The issue is that none disabled people look at people who are disabled as an inspiration to do better in their lives. She see this as a problem because it’s very wrong to look at a person and just assume that they have a hard life because they are disabled. I would describe her community as a way to spread awareness that disabled people are normal humans too. They do normal things like eat ,sleep, and play just like everyone else. I think she is mostly targeting people outside the community because there is a lack of knowledge on their part about the situation.