Quote 1 : “A DC has a potentially discoverable set of goals….formulated as a mission or vision statement”.

Explanation: I find this quote interesting because I am part of a discourse community such as technical engineering. We use a mission statement as a way to make sure that everyone ideas are aligned and increase the motivation of others to have inspiring new ideas that down the line can change the statement of the vision of the community such as mine.

Quote 2: “We now need to empathize the roles of new digital channels… and we need to stress that without any means of intercommunication of any kind, there is no real community”.

Explanation: I find this quote interesting because while having the means to communicate in your community is important, I would like to point that when he means “new digital channels” he means social media which is something I can connect to. For example, in my discourse community we use social media as a means of communicating with other group or even communities. But without those communications, it would be hard to keep the community together as one without the means of communication.