Thereā€™s a lot of material to read and digest in the Agenda section of the website, so Iā€™m going to be brief. You need to read this first!

Without looking it up (weā€™re on the honor system here), define Discourse Community. Scribble it down on paper or open a document and write it down.


Now, look it up. Type it in a search engine: ā€œdiscourse community.ā€ Put the quotes around it to be sure you are looking for the exact term.

Soā€¦was your initial thought correct or totally wrong?

If anyone wants to be brave, write your initial thoughts in the comments section. If this is something brand new, donā€™t worryā€“I didnā€™t know what the %@#$ a discourse community was until about a year and some change ago, and Iā€™m way older than yā€™all!

So, thatā€™s what weā€™re going to be reading and writing about. So, now go to the Agenda and review the material.

Got questions? Email me or come visit me in Zoom during my Office Hours.