Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2021

Discussion: “Problems and Issues”

Go back to your list of Discourse Communities and name two or three problems or issues that are central to each one.

Hit “reply” and write your list in the comment section below. For example:

Discourse Community: Issue/problem 1, issue/problem 2

Discourse Community: Issue/problem 1, issue/problem 2

Discourse Community: Issue/problem 1, issue/problem 2

Obviously, you put actual names where “discourse community” is, and actual problems where “issue/problem” is, but you get the point! 🙂


  1. Shemika Semple

    .C++ Group Chat: 1) The work is very challenging so everyone is confused. 2) The teacher speaks very fast which makes it harder to follow.
    .BTS ARMY: 1) Haters are always discriminating against BTS and ARMY. 2) Crazy fans put themselves and BTS in danger (Well that was before COVID-19).
    .Cousin Watch Party: 1) We are always busy and miss each other. 2) We fall asleep during the our time watch shows.

  2. Aimen Souchane

    Problems teachers may face are not receiving the same results from every student . Another problem is trying to fit every student’s needs when the class is big .
    Problems doctors face is having to communicate the losses of individuals to their families. Another issue they may face is dealing with mental trauma and trying their best to separate it from their personal life .
    Lawyers who cannot save their client from the death penalty. And lawyers who help prove rapists innocent . When your profession affects your morals .

  3. umme habiba

    Triangle-1) when all of our opinions are being shared it is hard to finalize what to actually go for which creates a little bit of problem between friends. 2)Different perspective sometimes creates scene in our friendship and bring negativiy.
    Work (optical store)- 1)Not everyone puts the same amount of effort. 2)Sometimes one have to take a lot of responsibility than other which is not fair.
    Family- There’s this thing sometimes it’s like if I do this what will my family think. 1)Sometimes the pressure from family doesn’t let you achieve your dreams. 2) The responsibility from the family also effects your mental health

    • Noor Shamanta Jahan

      I absolutely can relate to you in terms of your relationship with your family. I face the same issues as well.

    • Noor Shamanta Jahan

      I absolutely can relate to you in terms of your relationship with your family. I face the same issues as well.

  4. Noor Shamanta Jahan

    1. My parents are heavily dependent on me because I have to communicate in English for them everywhere and I can’t always be there with them so they yell at me.
    2. My parents discourage me a lot.

    Computer Engineer-
    1. I have to study a lot.
    2. I have to start making connections or else getting a job would be hard.

    1. It’s hard to keep up with school and a full time minimum wage job.
    2. Rude customers really ruin the day.

  5. Olena Halytska

    The Office: Sometimes, out “us against the workload” mentality bleeds into “us against the bosses” territory. For example, if the manager makes a stern remark to someone, we all take the employees side and support any retaliation, which leads to loss of efficiency. We are not unionized, but we have done numerous slow-downs.
    Another issue is coverage. Since we are so close, management let’s us figure out our own coverage when we need to take days off. That means that every new member of the team struggles to take a day off, as it can be hard to find enough coverage when no one owes them favors yet.

    The Study Group: Because we are all Nursing majors, conversations and study sessions always revolve around this topic. It distracts from Calculus and impedes our ability to accomplish the goal of our study group. Another issue is that we have no set mode of communication. There are multiple chat rooms and people are constantly confused about which ones were used for certain topics.

    The Halytskas: Our biggest issues are the 5,000-odd miles separating us. It is difficult not to feel sad about being so far away from your family, and feeling sad is the opposite of why this Discourse Community exists. On top of that, when someone misses our weekly call, it creates a bit of resentment.

  6. Nayeli Gomez

    Classroom Groupchat: 1) People don’t reply right away to answer your question 2) Sometimes there’s miscommunication which lead to problems
    Family: 1) We always get into fights and don’t talk for days 2) Our schedules sometimes don’t align
    Church Class: 1) There’s a lot of memorization that’s hard to keep up 2) We can barely make a close connection to classmates because it’s once a week for one hour for 3 months.

  7. nikrisyku

    Musical group: One problem is some embers might be biased against some genre of music and disregard it before giving it a chance. another problem is scheduling where it could be hard to get together due to having different times we are busy in jobs or school.

    Family: One problem is geographical separation, with most living in our country, others in places like Italy, Greece, Germany, or Britain, and a small amount living in America, so there is an amount of unfamiliarity among each other if we have never met. Another problem is with immediate family they don’t speak English so they will always need me around in situations to translate.

    Study Group: One problem is that some members will not be knowledgeable about certain subjects if they aren’t taking those classes. Another problem is that messages might not be answered until after you don’t need it anymore.

  8. Joshua Christopher

    Electrical drafting: understanding how to navigate auto cad or how to solve certain problems that we didn’t understand on an assignment.
    Robotics: building a robot that is effective and durable, and does the job it is intended to do properly.
    Game development: Making a game enjoyable, and making it in a way that will draw in players and improve player base.

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