“Happy Flowers” by Professor Penner

A reminder of what’s happening this week…

On Monday, students will…

  • You will be provided with a Blue Book to write the Final Reflection Essay. Read the following instructions carefully.
  • I will have the following information on the available during class, but be sure to think about the answers beforehand:
    • Introduction. What have you learned overall this semester? (You don’t have to share everything here–you’ll have time to share that below. Just give the highlights of what you’ll explain later here.)
    • What have you learned about yourself as a reader this semester? Give a specific example from one of the texts we’ve read that illustrates what you’ve learned.
    • How have you changed as a writer this semester? Give a specific example from one of the Major Writing assignments you’ve written that illustrates what you’ve learned. (Hint: Think back to feedback you got from a partner during the peer reviews, from me, or a Writing Center tutor. What advice was given? Contrast your work before and after the feedback came your way.)
    • Discuss how you might transfer this knowledge about yourself to other writing tasks, assignments, or situations either in college or in your community. Give a specific example.
    • Conclusion. Wrap it up!
  • Be punctual! You will be given the entire class period to write 600 words. If you are late, I will not grant extra time.
  • You are permitted one 4″x6″ index card. I suggest writing quotes of the chosen text and names of the author, as well as quotes from your own writing on this card. If you have room, write other thoughts that you want to include in your essay.
  • This will be a hand-written essay. However, if you want to use a laptop, you may do so only if you sit up front with your back to me so I can always see the screen.
  • If you want to listen to music, you may turn it on at the start of class. Leave your phone in your pocket or bag.
  • If I see any devices being used other than the ways described above, I will ask the student to leave. They will receive a 0 on this assignment.

On Wednesday…

  • Attendance is optional! However, I will be in the classroom. If you want to check on your grade, have me look at your revision, make up for three low-stakes writing assignments, or just say hi, come on by!
  • You are allowed ONE revision of either U1, U2, or U3. Revisions must be submitted on OpenLab no later than 11:59pm on Wednesday, 5/22!
    • Anything submitted after this time/date will not be evaluated. This is a hard deadline!
  • They should be titled Full Name, UX Revision (the X stands for 1, 2, or 3) and saved as “Private” under Final Reflection and Revision.
    • If you want feedback from me, come to an office hour.
    • If you want to earn 10 extra credit points, visit the Writing Center before the due date and ask the tutor to email me after the visit!