Williams, David R. “How racism makes us sick.” TED: Ideas worth Spreading, Mar. 2019, TED2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada,


 In TED Talk titled “How Racism Makes Us Sick,” David R. discusses the impact of racism on health outcomes. He argues that racism is a basic cause of health disparities and that it affects not only those who experience unconcealed discrimination but also those who experience more delicate forms of racism, such as exclusionary behaviors and implied mindsets. Williams also gives evidence from research studies that demonstrate how racism influences health outcomes, including a higher rate of chronic diseases. Williams argued that direct health disparities need a multilevel approach that addresses the root cause of racism and encourages social and economic equality. Generally, Williams’s TED talks highlight the significance of acknowledging the collision of racism with health outcomes and taking action to encourage health equity and address the root causes of health disparities.


I agree with David R. Williams It talks about how racism makes us sick and provides a powerful reflection on the impact of racism on health outcomes. The talks highlight the need for multistage action to address health disparities, which includes addressing the root cause of racism and encouraging social and economic equality. Also, TED talks raise significant questions about the role of healthcare providers in addressing health disparities.


“Racism is a system of structured opportunities and assigned advantages that are based on race. It operates in ways that are often invisible to the individuals who benefit from it or are harmed by it, but it operates nonetheless.” This quote highlights the structural nature of racism and the ways in which it can affect health outcomes even when it is not worldwide.