
The between living environment, well-being and lifestyle behaviors in young women in Shiraz, Iran Asiyeh Salehi MSc, Neil Harris PhD, Bernadette Sebar PhD, Elisabeth Coyne PhD I First published: 24 November 2015


According to Asiyeh Salehi MSc, Neil Harris PhD, Bernadette Sebar PhD, Elisabeth Coyne PhD article, this talks about individuals’ perceptions of the problems with their living environment that were linked to demographic factors such as occupation status, income, education level, and ethnicity. The current study demonstrates the important influence that physical and social aspects of living settings have on the well-being and lifestyle choices of young Iranian women. Thus, in order to boost QoL and SwL among young Iranian women and improve their healthy living behaviors, there is a need for more focused attention to the meaning, assessment, and creation of neighborhood livability, including both physical and social components of neighborhood.


This tell me a lot about my research question because it means, standard deviations, and score ranges were computed as descriptive statistics to characterize the fundamental aspects of the data, encompassing the attributes of the residents as well as the factors related to the social and physical living environment. Using analysis of variance and Pearson’s correlation, relationships between the living environment and demographic and health characteristics were estimated. The study employed stepwise multiple linear regressions to investigate the potential relationship between the features of the living environment, such as social and physical determinants and resident characteristics, and the well-being and lifestyle behaviors of young Iranian women. —— So this says a lot about how one’s upbringing influence their lifestyle meaning any consequences or various factors. 


For example, the socioeconomic status of individuals distinguishes subgroups within a population in terms of education, economic opportunity, lifestyle and living environment (Diez Roux & Mair 2010).” 

“ The literature shows that the social environment is linked to disease pathways and mortality risks, often independent of individual socio-demographic characteristics (Root 2012).”

“The living environment construct is an 11-item scale incorporating the two domains of the physical environment (such as traffic, industrial fumes, rubbish and graffiti), and the social environment (such as neighbourhood disorder, homeless people, troublesome neighbours, teenagers hanging around, frightened after dark, ethnic and religious tensions, and drug abuse), with Likert response options from 1 (always an issue) to 5 (never an issue).”