U.S. Department of the Treasury. “Racial Inequality in the United States.” Treasury.gov, 22 July 2021, https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/racial-inequality-in-the-united-states.

Summary: The article titled “Racial Inequality in the United States: What Treasury is Doing to Address It” discusses the issue of systemic racism and racial inequality in the US and highlights the role of the US Treasury Department in addressing these issues. The article notes that people of color in the US face significant disparities in areas such as income, wealth, and access to economic opportunities, and that these disparities are rooted in historical and ongoing systemic racism. “Racial inequality in the United States today is rooted in longstanding behaviors, beliefs, and public and private policies that resulted in the appropriation of the physical, financial, labor, and other resources of non-white people” This evidence shows the underlying basic nature of the issue, suggested that racial inequality is not a brief  or isolated problem but rather deeply rooted in the fabric of American society. This root cause outlook suggests that true progress in  fight racial inequality requires comprehensive and systematic changes in policies, practices, and societal point of view.

Reflection: This article, “Racial Inequality in the United States” The article gives a call to action for individuals, concerns, and decision-makers to work as regards addressing racial inequality and encouraging equity and chance for all Americans. It highlights the role of the Treasury Department in these attempts but also admits that addressing these challenges needs concerted action and a sense of dedication to change.

Quotations: “Racial inequality is a longstanding challenge in the United States, with people of color facing systemic barriers to economic opportunity and success. At the Treasury Department, we recognize that addressing this challenge requires sustained attention and action. We are committed to using our resources and expertise to promote equity and opportunity for all Americans, particularly those who have been historically underserved or marginalized.” Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury