Citation 3

Wilson, Duncan. Human Rights: Promoting Gender Equality in and through Education,

Summary :

According to Duncan’s research,Historically girls has always been restricted to obtain their human rights compared to boys. In the last few centuries, this scenario has changed dramatically because of the implementation of girls education by democratic government. Availability, accessibility,acceptability, adaptability of education and solving unemployment problems are the keys to this changes according to United Nation. But in some countries boys are having difficulties getting their human rights because the government is biased towards women. So to ensure proper human rights, both boys and girls should be provided equal facilities referring gender equality.

Reflection :

I strongly agree with this research because gender equality increases the number of intellectual people in the country. With more educated and productive youths a country can prosper immensely. Although government should also consider increasing employment opportunities to cope up with the growth of the number of workers.

Quote the text :

• Duncan’s research didn’t talk about the imperfect education system of under developed and developing countries. Yes it’s true that developed country possess best education system to create intellectual people. But wrong education system can also increase frustrated students and suicide cases resulting the violation of human rights.

What questions do you have about what the article is saying?

• Is it really okay to discuss about gender equality when there is no guarantee of security of girls at night in most of the developing and under developed countries?

If you could say something to this author, what would you say?

• The research was pretty logical and full of information. But i would have liked it more if the author considered the security issues more seriously. And i think he also could have discussed about the wrong education system. Overall, it’s an impressive research to explore.

What does this document tell you about your research question?

• This document elaborates the importance of human rights through gender equality and education with proper logics and references. So it would be very helpful for my research about human rights.

Rhetorical factors:

How do you feel about the author’s writing style?

• Author did a great job by gathering such valuable information altogether. Overall,it was worth my time.

What is the author’s intended audience and purpose (reason for writing)?

• It was intended for the citizens. The purpose of this research was to let people know the value of gender equality and education to ensure human rights.

Is the genre effective? Does the choice of genre make sense for what the author wants to accomplish?

• The genre is obviously impressive and resourceful. Wilson carefully added references in almost all of his hypothesis and logics.


“We need the talent and insights of girls today to lead our businesses tomorrow. That’s why expanding educational opportunities for girls isn’t charity. It’s a smart investment in a stronger global economy and in our future.”