
Braga, Anthony A., et al. “Underground Gun Markets and the Flow of Illegal Guns into the Bronx and Brooklyn: A Mixed Methods Analysis.” Journal of Urban Health, vol. 98, no. 5, 2021, pp. 596–608,


Violence in New York City has decreased over the past two decades one major crime remains. Gun-related crimes have remained in the spotlight in New York City. There are many factors that come into play when figuring out why gun crimes remain constant. Although New York is known for its very strict gun laws, gun violence still finds its way through. In the study conducted, it was found that the guns used in the crimes have been obtained from other states which have little to no gun law restrictions. Most of the murders done by these illegally obtained weapons have been by gang-related members.


Although statistics show that violence in New York City has been lower currently compared to the early 2000s and 2010s, it doesn’t depict what the actual citizens see. Major crimes such as murders have usually been done with a firearm. It has been proven that those firearms have almost always come outside of New York since the laws in New York are very strict.


“The New York City Police Department (NYPD) reported an 8.1% increase in murders from 295 in 2018 to 319 in 2019 [1]. The NYPD attributed the rise in murders to the ready availability of illegal guns to high-risk individuals and increased shootings by and against gang-involved young men in disadvantaged neighborhoods located in the Bronx and Brooklyn”. This quote shows that murders have increased in recent times and have been done through illegally obtained firearms.