
Tress , Aurthur. Smog Almost Killed New York City, Here’s HowYouTube, YouTube, 24 Mar. 2017,  


In this YouTube video, Aurthor Tress an environmental photographer used his camera to photograph New York City’s changing landscape. He explains how unrecognizable it was compared to today. Garbage landfills would spill toxic liquid into the waters and neighborhoods surrounding NYC. Chimneys expelling black smoke. The amount of dust and dirt caused people to have health problems. Particulates are microscopic particles of solid or liquid droplets. When suspended in the air, it can penetrate the respiratory system, or even bloodstream. Aurthor created a movement through his images to clean the city. President Nixons allowed for companies dumping toxic waste into waterways and into the air to be held accountable.


I strongly agree with this video because Aurthor’s photographs display the effects of air pollution and how it leads to greater destruction. Enviornmental issues need to be shown, spoken about and acted on through different perspectives. I believe Tress’s way of emphasizing pollution’s effect on the environment is notable because it is important to grab people’s attention and make them aware of the things going on in the world around them. While viewing the video, the part about particulates stood out to me because so many of us are exposed to it daily without an idea of the dangers it can cause to our bodies. “Aurthor’s images were published in magazines and put on posters in hopes that they would be seen by those who had the power to enforce change.” This video’s explanation on air pollution and its history was very well broken down. The video was well organized with each piece of information explained, leaving viewers without confusion as to the topic of discussion. If I could say something to this author, I would like to show gratitude for his creativeness when trying to spread awareness to those of higher power. I would also like to ask if Aurthor has kept up with taking photographs around the city documenting its change. If so, how much air pollution has changed since through photographs. What this short video tells me about my research question is that there isn’t much gratitude given to those who try and spread awareness in other ways.


“The photographs were not only important for themselves at the time but became a reference for the future.”