Fay, Bill. “Poverty in the United States.” Debt.Org, 12 Oct. 2021,

“Poverty in the United States” explains how poverty is unlikely to disappear and who amongst people living in the U.S. are mostly affected by poverty. The article also defines who are amongst the most impoverished, for example 23.7% of young adults who don’t have a high school diploma are amongst the impoverished or 26.4% of people in families whose head households are unemployed are also among the impoverished. The main points about poverty that’s stated in this article are the causes and effects of poverty in the United States. The causes and effects that are stated are “Poverty and education, poverty and health, poverty and food, and last is poverty and crime” these show how poverty can affect a person and their well being. This article speaks volume into the topic of poverty, as poverty is greatly affecting many people in the United States. “Poverty in the United States” explains great points and one of the most important points made is “Government Programs that Lifts or Help Keep People Out of Poverty” this is such an important topic to expand on because given the high poverty rate in the U.S. you’d want to know what the government is doing to help get people off the streets and help them live a better life. Account to the article the government has some programs that help, those including “Medicaid, Family planning services, Low income Home Energy Assistance and more”. Overal Bill Fay the writer of “Poverty in the United States” has written some great points on poverty in the U.S.. forming good supporting evidence from the effects of poverty, what is being done to end poverty, who is more likely to end up in poverty and many more.

This article “Poverty in the United States” brings up great points and redeeming evidence. I agree with this article because it explains how and why poverty is a big issue in the United States and overall worldwide and it should be taken into consideration what people in poverty go through. This article shows many facts and evidence about poverty. The article states that “Poverty is unlikely to disappear anytime soon” this quote alone shows how big of a crisis poverty is and how much it affects people. The text is a great source, but I would like to know more about how the government is helping, a more in depth explanation on what they do and not just programs they have to help people in poverty. On the other hand what I really liked and understood about this article is how he went into explaining the cause and effects poverty has on people and how it affects the community. Me not really understanding the more in depth reason on how the government is helping people poverty hand in hand is something I might look up on more. Searching up on poverty lead me to this article and this author, and his source is a great understanding behind poverty, and if I were to see him I would tell him that his article is a big help on seeing the bigger picture behind poverty and that his writing style complements his work because it’s easy for people to understand and talk about. “Poverty in the United States” helped me understand my research question and makes it easier to write about.

“The true face of poverty, however, is found in rural areas of the South and Southwest regions of the U.S. where living conditions are even more run down and industry never really started up.”
“Impoverished families tend to have less education, more health problems and less access to nutritionally adequate food. They also are more likely to live in high-crime areas.”
“Refundable tax credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, kept 7.9 million people out of poverty, and food stamps have the same result for 3 million people.”
“According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United States has the third highest poverty rate among the world’s developed countries.”