Writing my educational narrative was challenging because I couldn’t think of a good enough topic to write. And the topics I did want to write about I didn’t think they’d make a good essay. After going back and looking over the readings we have read in class I got a more broad idea about what and how to write my essay. After reading over “Shitty First Drafts” I realized that I was overthinking my essay, “So I’d start writing without reining myself in. It was almost just typing, just making my fingers move” this quote helped me pick my topic and start my essay. I started writing what was on my mind and then after I finished I would go back, reread it and revise my work and that’s how I got my first draft. What also helped me write my essay was when my draft was peer reviewed, I was given good feedback that helped me review my essay and edit it for my final draft. Overall writing my educational narrative was a journey, but I enjoyed the writing process.