Writing my education narrative is a challenging thing the achieve. The assignment itself felt like something I have never done before. Figuring out how I personally wanted to write this essay, was something that I was really hung up on. Though the word count initially worried me, I was really worried about what I was writing in the paper. The premise of writing about myself was something that I never really brought. But, this paper challenged me to do something that I never really did. Though the process was hard, it gradually got easier and easier to do over time.

And yes, reading “Shitty First Drafts” affected my writing process in a positive way. The mindset of the first draft being just to get all of your information out is really important . I could definitely see through my writing that I was overwhelmed by the assignment in the first place, and therefore it helped to just get out that first draft so that I can get all of my ideas out improve on them. Though I do not like writing first drafts myself, I can understand the need to, as I found out while writing the writing assignment that we did.