Even though the authors of the pieces we read were diverse, they had a trait. Jiang, Malcom X, and Douglass were all education narratives; they fall under the same category. Anita Jiang, Fredrick Douglass, and Malcom X are regarded as education narratives because they demonstrate how much racism they encountered while pursuing their education.Each of those tales contains a theme. Due to their backgroundsā€”Malcolm X self-educated in prison and Frederick Douglass was a former slaveā€”both men had considerable difficulties learning to read and write. Jiang also had trouble getting to school because of China’s political situation. When discussing the inspection of education, all three of the stories have some similarities. In “The Memory of My Grandmother,” Anita Jiang explores her grandmother’s wisdom and effect on her to pursue education.Frederick Douglass, who had a lot of issues, wrote about his struggles with learning.This was the time of his enslavement.Malcolm X was a strong American leader in the 1960s. He discusses the humiliating effects of slavery and how education was essential to his struggle for freedom.Malcolm X’s article “Learning to Read” is a first-hand description of the author’s attempts to educate himself. incarcerate He demonstrates how he transitioned from being a young man to talking about how self-education may have a significant impact.Malcom X updates us on the state of his own schooling. There are several similarities among those three tales. They talk to us about the educational narrative since they experience many difficulties.