Plato’s text is written as an allegory where they use a cave as a way to discuss their view of the world. It starts as a discussion between two people and in it they describe a situation where there are multiple people in a cave chained up in a manner where they can only look in front of them. In front of them is a screen in which shadows are projected onto it using a series of objects and a fire source. They then further this hypothetical by discussing what was to happen if one of the people in the cave escaped, wondering what his thoughts and actions would be. This text uses metaphors to explain how society(The people in the cave) constrains(The chains) people through certain views(The series of objects), and it is up to them whether they choose to either conform to it or fight for themselves and freedom(Whether they choose to escape and face the bright light and take a risk or stick to their cave and stay with what they already know).