Prof. Jessica Penner | D442 | Fall 2023

Suigly Gomez, Summary of allegory of the cave

There are numerous perspectives on this story. Since they lack motivation or even feeling to look in another direction, I would suggest that prisoners are only viewing the wall from one perspective. Because of their fixed mindset, the convicts are permanently pessimistic. The mistakes or the individuals who committed them can be considered the chains. They may be rendered blind by the cave, unable to perceive anything outside of their safe zone. You can see this narrative from as many different angles as you like. You can learn something new from every angle that helped you appreciate and relate to the Allogery of the cave

1 Comment

  1. tashkay dickens

    what I understand from the reading of the allegory of the cave is the distinction between the real world and the world of appearances is symbolized by this allegory. The prisoners in the cave represent those who are trapped in ignorance and have just little understanding of the world.

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