Although the three pieces, “The Memory of My Grandmother” by Anita Jiang, “Chapter 7” from The Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, and “Learn to Read” by Malcolm X are very different, all fall into the category of a narrative because they talk about real life experiences and lessons. In” The Memory of My Grandmother”, Anita and her grandmother share memories and experiences. She mentions them in her parents room as a young girl analyzing the Mona Lisa. She reflects on those moments analyzing the Mona Lisa with a new perspective. In “Chapter 7”, Douglass expresses his experiences of difficulty learning how to read and write as a slave. With no access to education, he tried learning his skills with different things throughout his environment. For example, offering bread to kids in exchange for a lesson on reading and writing. Throughout the years, he slowly learned how to read. Douglass picked up on reading about abolitionists later becoming one. In “Learn to Read” by Malcolm X, he talks about his path of self education while incarcerated which formed an important portion of his life. Malcolm talks about learning through dictionaries, going back on his struggles and motivations. Overall, these pieces are all education narratives because they reflect one’s own experiences that have impacted them resulting in self improvement.