Prof. Jessica Penner | D442 | Fall 2023

Emily Redd, Discussion of “How to Read Like a Writer”

“How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn expresses “The goal is to carefully consider the choices the author made and the techniques that he or she used, and then decide whether you want to make those same choices or use those same techniques in your own writing.” when Bunn wrote this I thought back to when I would typically read, I never thought that the techniques I read in books could veer off into my own writing. Bunn indicates that when reading you should keep in mind the authors techniques, and perhaps when starting a new writing piece, you should imitate those same techniques. I found what Bunn said to be useful and whenever I read a new book it’s almost as if i’m becoming a better writer through the author. It’s also very useful to implement authors techniques into your own writing because when your reading your analyzing the book in deeper sense, which makes you as a reader understand the authors reasoning behind what they are writing.

1 Comment

  1. Naima akther

    “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn expresses, “Instead of trying to read for content. Try to read for content to understand how the piece of writing was put together.” When we read something to understand the concepts and why and how the pieces of writing came together, we can grasp deeper concepts behind the writings.

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