“You are reading to learn about writing. Instead of reading for content or to better understand the ideas in the writing, you are trying to understand how the piece of writing was put together.”

This was the quote I chose because of how I see life. Every time I wake up I see it as an opportunity to learn and comprehend new things. Many people say “You learn something new Everyday” and I definitely stick by that because you don’t know everybody’s beliefs till you hear it from themselves. When it comes to reading, no matter the type of scenario or book you’re reading, You’ll most likely learn a couple of things even if you don’t notice it.  I believe there’s always time to learn, some people think that the only way of learning is through school (which is definitely not true), some others think that you can only learn by experiencing a vivid event and If I’m being honest, this makes more sense. Is like getting a job, you don’t know anything till you either get trained or you just throw yourself out there and struggle till you get it.