Amber sparkler flame swirled to spell a word, possibly MEME?
Sparkler Writing” by David Joyce via Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0

Before class on Monday, students will…

  • Gather all the information you’ve written (introduction, sources, conclusion) in one document (go to Course Profile > Files > ENG1101 Handouts > ENG1101 Reflective Annotated Bibliography Template) and have a printed or digital copy available by the time we meet.

During class on Monday, we will…

  • Complete a self-review of your Reflective Annotated Bibliographies (see Course Profile > Files > ENG1101 Handouts > ENG1101 Self-Review Reflective Annotated Bibliography).
  • After you’ve completed (and emailed this document and your draft to, review your notes and start working on the final draft! Do whatever needs to be done in order to submit the assignment on time and as perfect as possible!
  • Throughout this session, I’ll be calling each student up individually to check in with their progress. Be ready to share any issues/questions during this time!


  • Continue working on the U2 Reflective Annotated Bibliography, which is due before midnight on Wednesday, 11/9.
  • Want further assistance? Sign up for a session at the Writing Center (you have to register if you haven’t done this before), or come by my office hour on Tuesday!

During class on Wednesday, we will…



  • What are the traits of a Twitter Thread?
  • Why do these authors use the medium of Twitter? In other words, if the authors had to post several tweets to make a point, why didn’t they use a format that allows for longer posts? What do the authors gain (in terms of audience, tone, effect) by choosing Twitter?
  • What does this have to do with Unit 3?
  • Begin brainstorming ways to use your research from Unit 2 for this project.


  • Submit your U2 Reflective Annotated Bibliography before midnight on Wednesday, 11/9. Save the assignment as a PDF and create a post with Full Name, U2 Reflective Annotated Bibliography and save it under the category U2 Work.
    • Need a reminder on how to create a PDF or upload a document? Look under Course Profile > Files > ENG1101 Handouts > ENG1101 How to Upload U1 Writing Assignment. Follow the directions. Note: Just save it as U2, not U1!
  • Write a short reflection (approx. 150-200 words) on the research process of U2 and what you learned. Consider the following questions: What did you find difficult about doing this type of research? In doing this type of research, what did you learn that you can take to future classes?
    • Title this reflection Full Name, U2 Reflection, and save it under the category U2 Work. Please do this no later than class time on Monday! It’s one of those low-stakes writing assignments!
  • Be sure to look at the Agenda for Week 10 when it’s posted on Friday for more details!