The Hechinger Report. ā€œHow trauma and poverty impact a child’s brain.ā€ youtube, 2018.

    In this video, a childā€™s earliest three years is the most important time for the development of the brain, as most of their neural circuits are developed during this time. And after this time, children in poverty would frequently experience everyday pressures that cause the stress hormone to be released. This is owing to the fact that many activities will entail money as a result of family financial problems. In such a situation, a kid’s youth is the most crucial stage of their life, and if their family is experiencing financial difficulties, they would need to take more steps than any other youngster. However, a child’s life may experience other problems besides wealth inequality. If a child’s parent abuses or overstresses the youngster, it is one of the most crucial variables in the child’s development. A child’s brain circuits will not grow properly if they endure too much stress and have to deal with too many problems. Additionally, memory and learning may be more challenging for some people due to weak circuits.

    As I watch the videos, I’m learning that a child’s early years are the most crucial for their growth. Where everything around them could affect the way their brain would be growing. Because each person has a unique set of experiences and has grown up in a diverse range of civilizations, this may help to explain why people behaved the way they did.

ā€œWeak circuits can lead to memory and learning problems, behavior issues and can even permanently change the brainā€™s structureā€