While researching for the U2 assignment I found it a bit confusing in finding some credible sources. Most of the sources I found were either from an uncredible website or didn’t provide enough information on the subject of hostile architecture. The City Tech library database was also new to me. So learning how to use it for the first time was perplexing. Another problem I was having was not being able to find articles that mainly focused on hostile architecture. Most of these articles tended to branch off into a different subject. 

While working on the U2 assignment, I learned a multitude of helpful things. I learned how to narrow down my searches to get what I’m looking for. I have also learned how to use the City Tech library database, a helpful tool to narrow down my search. Another useful website I’ve learned how to use is Perdue Owl. It helped me to understand how to cite articles, peer-reviewed articles, and videos properly. I am certain that I will be using this knowledge in my future classes.