Reading my shitty first draft did help me in some ways because I was able to revise and find parts that were very unnecessary in the draft. It was also to double-check my spelling. This did help me a lot but the only issue was that rereading the entire draft was really painful on my part because I had it single spaced it was really hard for me to keep track of where I am but considering that it can be double spaced it would have made no difference. My writing process improved because now I can visually and mentally think of ways how I can improve my writing skills and abilities. I approached the assignment by thinking about a time that changed my life and the only thing I could think of was when I first moved to New York and how I had to transfer away after I just transferred into the school. After I found the moment I just try my best to remember every important part of the story and try to make it something different and use my bad English at that time. Then I just finish and reread and edit.