English class had always seemed like an “easy” class that didn’t really have any difficult or even interesting aspects in it.. For the majority of the english classes I’ve taken in my life the main point of them were  to read literature pieces and give our analysis to them. Along with this, we would also reflect upon them, just like what this piece is doing on the course. In the few months in this class, I learned a whole new meaning to analysis and reading. This course helped me not only become a better writer, but more importantly become a better reader. Along with improving my abilities as a writer and a reader, it also  improved my qualities as a researcher.

    The start  of the semester was the beginning of the end of what I had though English was. One of the first assignments we were given was to read a piece titled” How To Read Like A Writer” by Mike Bunn. When I read the title I was a little confused. Why would we need to improve our reading skills? I thought to myself. I believed the piece was just going to be about literary device that  I already knew about like personification and imagery and ways to find them, but I was wrong. The aim of the piece was in the title, but I was so driven away from the fact that it had the word “reading”that I  disregarded what it actually said-How to READ like a WRITER. The piece gave ways how to read not just the words on a book, but read the way the words are organized. It gave ways to pick apart different organization methods that writers used so that you could use them as your own. It made  you question why authors start their works as they do, like a inner dialogue line or a  quote from a historical figure. It made you ask even more questions while reading, like why a writer would use the type of genre they chose. This piece opened my eyes to a form of reading that I didn’t even know was possible and I enjoyed it because it was hard. It was easy to read the words on the paper, but not what was directly written.