The Genre I will present is a Photo Essay because it will be easier to show how LGBTQ people are being discriminated against through pictures. Through imagery, I can have you imagine what is happening behind the scenes and show what is happening in the present. I also feel like it is easier to visualize LGBTQ instead of exampling it with words because it really helps you understand the full understanding of what is going on in the world. It really helps organize what has happened in order from time and place. I am doing it from a third person point of view because it really brings out more of the imagery instead of doing it first person. I feel like you can get more insight because the third person will open up your view on others more than if we are just focusing on the first person point of view. The publication that I have found ā€œNew research reveals ā€˜shockingā€™ rates of anti-LGBTQ discriminationā€ from Usatoday really stood out to me that people are banding together to help stop LGBTQ discrimination. According to USAToday ā€œMore than 1 in 3 LGBTQ Americans (36%) said they were discriminated against over the past year, and 69% of nonbinary people reported facing discrimination in the same timeframe. Among transgender Americans, the rate was 3 out of 5.ā€ This quote makes me realize that this discrimination is increasing and how can citizen see the potential threat of the difference between LGBTQ. This makes me wonder if the world will ever know the real meaning of equality for all. The traits that I will be explaining are pride, love, and discrimination. Pride is something everyone is not everyone can get and with LGBTQ it really shows the amount of dedication and works LGBTQ has put in to make them go out into the world. Also, this really helps them because it reveals to us that pride is something earned and not given because it takes lots of dedication through discrimination to achieve and be proud of being LGBTQ community. Pride also evolves to love because being prideful really determines how far they are willing to push it and creating love out of it really makes a big impact on their life going through adulthood. Pridefulness really tells you how much proud and honored they are about each other and about society. Furthermore, there is also a trait that is very important that needs to be discussed as to how these traits influence the LGBTQ community. This unique trait is characterized as never letting themselves get toured down and never giving up. Even when discrimination was blocking them it always made them feel like they belong which helped the trait of never giving up into loved and pridefulness. My audience will be young adults because that is when they are going through the experience of the real world and it’s not how they expect it to be. Love and pride is the real reason why LGTBQ is able to grow and able to feel loved and be loved by the people around you who support the same ideals as you. This unique genre can really show how caring the people and the world to you are. This genre shows how love can transcend into the real world and surpasses even discrimination and segregation. This genre really shows how much people in the LGTBQ community are willing to push and achieve their greatest accomplishments to become their own personality and characteristic traits. What I mean by this is that they are their own traits to become who they are today.