I chose to pick this topic of the Safe-T Act that will begin to take place in Illinois, beginning January 1, 2023. This new regulation has spiraled through the news, social media platforms, and the words of others. This Act has brought out a lot of controversies, creating the name “The Purge Act”. The term Purge revolves around a movie series named The Purge that centralizes in a town where all crime is legal for 24 hours. This action movie shows brutal and gruesome crimes that took place. To be more specific, those that come from a rich family were unharmed, due to their homes having security, surveillance cameras, and high-quality protection rods surfacing their homes. However, the working class were partaking in these crimes and being targeted the most. This led to my difficulty finding trustworthy sources. Coming across many fake-news articles, I had to pinpoint reliable sources that were used in my research paper. This helped me realize that if needed to do research in any other class, such as future classes, I will be able to pinpoint real and reliable sources. I will also be more aware of fake-news that is used for attracting publicity and exaggerating political or economical issues.