David Farez



Word Count: 1503

U2 Reflective Annotated Bibliography

Introduction:What is gun violence?

So I got interested in this question because over the course of the years a lot of cases of murder had be happening because of gun violence and how most of these cases are happening because of people been able to have access to guns, so what i expect to find in my research was provably gun violence stating are the early 2000’s and how the numbers were rising since that time time around but what i found about gun violence started from the early 1900’s or maybe even more earlier than that so since that time gun violence has increased a incredible amount like for example from 1963 to 1994 the gun ownership has increased by 188% this shows hew the government is not doing anything to control gun ownership.But that is not all most of the robberies,assaults,and rapes/sexual assaults had been cause by gun ownership another  cite of evidence that i found in my research is that more that 17 million of Americans ages 7 or older went target shooting at least twice and nearly 18 million hunted with a firearm more than one what this shows is that most  how most of gun ownership are people of those ages and that is what is causing a lot of those types of gun violence because most in the people in America have access to own guns also in 2006 there has been over 30000 firearm-related deaths, over 11000 homicides and 730 accidental deaths because of gun ownership.

Source Entries 

Citation #1:Homicide and gun control the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act and homicide rates Creator Monroe, Jeffrey D., 1968- 

Summary: This book is about how over the years the crimes because of gun ownership had been increasing since the early 90’s, how they are still going up and how millions of Americans own a gun and it is because of this that there has been a lot of casualties and deaths because of gun ownership.

Reflection:The reflection of this book is that gun ownership should be lower and not all people should be allowed to use a gun and by doing this casualties can be lower and also deaths can be lower.

Quotation:Roughly 250 million firearms (P. J. Cook & Ludwig, 1996b; Zawitz, 1995) are distributed among about 40 percent 1 of American households (Gillespie, 1999; NSSF, 2006; Saad, 2001, Smith, 2007). The rate of gun ownership increased by 100 percent from 1963 to 1994, and the handgun ownership rate increased by 188 percent during the same period (Kleck, 1997). In the year 2006, more than 17 million Americans age 7 and older went target shooting at least twice and nearly 18 million hunted with a firearm more than once; that same year, only 14.6 million played baseball and 12.4 million played softball at least twice (NSGA, 2006). The level of gun ownership and legal use gives credence to the argument that America has a strong gun culture actively involved in legitimate shooting sports (Kohn, 2004). At the same time, guns are too often used in unacceptable ways. In 2003, 27 percent of robberies, 8 percent of assaults and 3 percent of rapes/sexual assaults are committed by an offender with a gun (Perkins, 2003). That same year, there were 30,136 firearm-related deaths in the United States (Hoyert, Heron, Murphy & Kung, 2006)—just over 10 firearm-related deaths per 100,000 people. Of these, 16,907 were suicides, 11,920 were homicides, and 730 were accidental deaths.

Citation #2:Gun Culture or Gun Control?: Firearms and Violence: Safety and Society Squires, Peter

Summary:The book is about how in 1996 the shooting and killing of 16 young children in a Dunblane primary school provoked wide reaching parliamentary reform to British gun laws and how after this this casualty Britain wanted to enforce the laws against gun ownership. 

Reflection:The reflection of this book is that after Britain experience this casualty Britain learn from this experience and made laws against gun ownership.

Quotation :The tragedy at Dunblane, in particular, undoubtedly exposed shooting in the UK to the kind of public scrutiny it had never previously received and which, arguably, was long overdue. However, the technical histories alluded to above are not my chief concern here. This is not to say that these discourses are not themselves interesting for what they tell us about our orientations towards violence, personalized killing and a certain kind of human interaction, it is simply that my main focus is somewhat different. That said, of course, it often has been the case that technological developments in firearm design and production have impacted fundamentally upon the social relations of firearm use – typically, giving an advantage in any conflict to the adversary with the more powerful, most portable, more accurate, most rapidly reloaded or, perhaps more recently, most concealable weapon. However, these wider social relations of firearm use (including production issues, distribution issues, wider cultural factors and, above all, their use in human interactions) are almost entirely absent from the historical and technical literature. The purposes of this and the following chapter, by contrast, are to examine precisely the social and historical discourses relating to firearms with a view to drawing out the social, cultural and political significance of firearms for human beings and human societies. John Ellis in his fascinating, if paradoxically titled book, The Social History of the Machine Gun (if ever there were a technology that merited an ‘anti-social’ history, the machine gun is probably it) describes his objective as, ‘a study of what the history of the machine gun tells us about society’ (Ellis, 1976: 20). In this chapter, as a prelude to the more contemporary and focused chapters which follow, with certain caveats, my purpose is essentially similar.

Citation #3:Gun control and the Second Amendment Hand, Carol, 1945- author.; Rostron, Allen, consultant.2017

Summary:This book is about gun control and the second amendment takes the control of gun ownership but even after this amendment was created there have still been casualties around the US.

Reflection:The reflection of this book is that even after creating a law that put control over gun ownership people still take advantage of that law and that is why there have been a lot of casualties because of gun ownership.

Quotation:Despite state and local laws, the Second Amendment remained relatively undiscussed in the courts for more than 150 years.Winkler notes that, before 1959, very few articles on the Second Amendment were published in law journals, and none argued in favor of an individual’s right to bear arms. Then, between 1980 and 1999, there were 125 law review articles on the Second Amendment, most supporting the individual-rights viewpoint. Individual-rights supporters began to describe their viewpoint as the “standard model” of Second Amendment interpretation, and the name stuck, despite its short history.Also, despite gun laws, it became extremely easy to obtain firearms. Guns are sold at chain stores and family shops. A background check takes only minutes, and less than 1 percent of requests are denied. 4 A person who fails a background check can easily obtain a gun through the Internet, from a friend or family member, or at a gun show. Notorious events throughout the 1900s caused many people to question the wisdom of nearly unrestricted gun access and led to calls for stricter national gun control. But attempts to strengthen gun regulations result in strong push backs from gun rights advocates. Most gun regulation still occurs at the state and local levels, and laws vary greatly from state to state.

Conclusion:In conclusion what surprised me the most about my topic is that gun violence has been a serious problem over the years and how even after creating a law that was suppose to make sure that gun violence was control it did not do anything after all there has been a lot of casualties because of gun violence, and before i did not that gun violence has been a big controversy since the 90’s and how the casualties have been increased over the years by thousands and how the government is not doing anything to control the situation. So why the topic that I learn is so important because gun violence because when the government created these types of laws was to ensure that there was not going to be anymore gun violence around the world but that was not the case there is still gun violence up to this date and is going to keep increasing if the government does to do anything to actually control it and this is why the government need to know that just a law is not going to be enough to stop gun violence they should make sure that only the specific people that are trained to have a gun like police should be the only people to carry guns around but just for protection.