While researching the subject of hostile architecture, I was able to find a multitude of journals and videos on the matter. However, the peer reviewed article was a bit challenging to find because not many articles talked about the situation dealing with  hostile architecture in New York.  Also, trying to access the city tech library was new to me. This gave me a better understanding on how to access useful material. All in all I think it was rather easy to find information on this topic when I learned how to use the city tech library database.

 In my research. I learned about the injustices that people experienced and also some new vocabulary. With this, I also learned how to cite properly as well as the skills to find information on a certain subject. I believe these skills will help me with my essay writing for future classes. In addition, I also became aware of the useful website called Purdue Owl which helped to make sure that I cited correctly. I will definitely be using this website again for future assignments.