Chu, Cindy Yik-Yi. “Human Trafficking and Smuggling in China.” The Journal of Contemporary China, vol. 20, no. 68, 2011, pp. 39–52.,


Human trafficking has been a social issue in not only the US but also in other countries like China. A report by the State Department of the United States in 2004 stated that around 800,00-900,00 people are trafficked around the world. A lot of the people that are being trafficked are cohered into their situation and are unwillingly trafficked. The crime of human trafficking connects to numerous other crimes like exploitation of labor, sexual assault and physical torture. Most of the time kids and women are trafficked, for various reasons such as labor or exploitation. Another dark reason people are trafficked is for organs to sell on the black market. Women and children are forced into marriage and adoption in Yunnan, which also constitutes under the crime of human trafficking.


According to this article human trafficking can lead into many different crimes. It is very sickening to read that people are stripped away of their freedom and are reverted to such a state no human should be in. Seeing that human trafficking is as large of a problem as the drug trade, with human traffickers having similar narcotic routes to smuggle people, is heartbreaking to think about. It is also unfair how the people who are exploited the most are the most vulnerable like children.