Overall, this unit was very similar for us students from high-school it was a refresher for our literacy skills. The topic of education narrative was a great one considering once again that we as students need to be more conscious of how we can expand our mind solely by the fact we can read and understand. For example, we read many memoirs of historic figures of whom they hail from many difficult times, in those words of theirs we read we understood the great risk and motivation they had to pick up a book. Saddening as it maybe it further reinforced my goals, more so our goals these aspirations we want we achieve it through learning more, questioning more by the vessel of education. Furthermore the unit one essay was our chance to write as to why we do, great example of how writing our memories of a turning point can reinstate why we are here today and why we did not chose to give up. I thoroughly enjoyed this unit, from the readings to discussing with my peers about their ideas and their experiences.