Writing can be challenging for some and easier for others. I found the education narrative fairly simple. I enjoy writing about my own personal experiences or something I may be passionate about. I had never done a topic about religion or ever admitted my struggles. I enjoyed writing about the topic that I had chosen because I found myself constantly typing on the paper, without having to stop myself and wonder what to write about next. The stressful part of the narrative may be the peer evaluation that I had done on myself. It was stressful to evaluate my reading and decide which sections are stronger or weaker than others. I found myself struggling with simplifying certain memories and staying on topic, without drifting to other stories that may be unrelated to my topic or paper. Although I was passionate about writing this paper, I least enjoyed taking myself back into the point of view of the past version of me. For example, remembering how I had felt, what I had seen, and what was going through my mind. These memories have existed about five to ten years ago, which made it a little difficult to comprehend and relive the memories. Overall, I had a positive mentality throughout writing the paper.