Prof. Jessica Penner | D438 | Fall 2022

Michael Bedon, My Writing Process

When I write a essay I usually don’t write a draft first, unless my teacher directs me to. I like to spend a different day on one part of the essay, like the introduction. For example, lets say I am assigned a essay to do which is due on Friday and I am assigned it on Monday. I work on the introduction on Tuesday, the bodies on Wednesday, the conclusion on Thursday and then I proofread on Thursday too. I would want to begin to write at least one draft when I am writing a essay and try to get someone else’s opinion on the said piece.

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  1. Mikebedon1

    • 1. What have you decided to focus on for your education narrative? Why have you chosen to tell this particular story? 

    I have decided to focus on when I first found out about racism was a real issue in todays society. I have chosen to focus on this particular assignment because I feel like it was an important and integral part of life. 

    • 2. What is the meaning/significance of your story? Why should people read it? Write this out in one sentence. 

    The meaning of my story is that sooner or later you will come to see that how the real world works differently than how you would’ve thought it did and people should read it so they can see just on of many ways someone can be introduced to racism. 

    • 3. In one word, how do you want people to feel when they are done reading your story? 


    • 4. Freewrite details you remember about the situation you are describing include people, places, dialogue, feelings, thoughts, etc. that are in some way connected to your story. 

    The people in the story are my mom, dad, sister and father. The setting of my story is in a restaurant in Jackson heights around 12 pm. The other characters in my story are the 2 people fighting outside the restaurant. Another character in my story is the old man who explained what was happening. Some feelings would be disgust, sadness, confusion, and empathy. Some thoughts would be “Why is he doing this?”, “Why are they fighting?”, â€śWhy would he even do such a thing?”, “What’s that noise” and “How long has it been?”. 

    Second, review what you have so far and try to label the features of your narrative arc. 

    • 1. Exposition/Inciting Incident (who, what, when, where and how does your story begin?) 

    Mom, Dad, Sister, Me    Sunday 12pm after church    A Colombian restaurant in Jackson heights   Begins with my family and I coming out of the church thinking what we should eat. 

    • 2. Rising Action (you should include a lot of the story details here) 

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    We go into the restaurant and smell the pastries and coffee smell immediately. We sit down and talk for a while and order our food when after about 20 minutes we hear fighting outside. My father and I decide to go and investigate the noise and see what is going on because my sister and mother were too scared to see. We begin to see a group of people in a crowd outside the glass window. I become hesitant for a moment, but I decide it was okay because I am with my father. We open the door and see that a middle aged white, man, probably around his 30, is fighting a young black teenager. We could hear some words that the man was yelling but I couldn’t make them out. My father, on the other hand, seemed disappointed. He had a sad look on his face. I was perplexed. What did those words mean? Why was my dad reacting that way? After a while my father asked one of the guys in the crowd why they were fighting, and the man said that the man was the owner of the dollar store 3 stores down from the restaurant we were eating at and apparently the teenager was caught stealing a whole bag of different washing equipment like dish soap and towels. He then chased the teen outside of the store and then began fighting outside the restaurant. 

    • 3. Climax (the moment of most drama and significance) 

    They were fighting but I wouldn’t even call it a fight- the man was beating on the teen without pulling back. The teen was saying sorry repeatedly, but the man did not care. He was also yelling words I still didn’t seem to understand. Something else seemed peculiar to me- Why was no one stopping them? Normally a fight like this would be stopped so I didn’t know why everyone was just staring. After a while finally a man came up and separated the two, with them going their separate ways. 

    • 4. Falling Action (what happened after?) 

    The group of people slowly dissolved, with me and my father being the last people to leave. We went inside the restaurant and sat down. After my dad explained to them what had happened, and they all had this face of disgust on them. I then asked my sister what the words meant, and she said they were racist. I also asked why nobody was helping the kid and they said that probably because he was black. 

    • 5. Resolution (what was the result of this experience? What is the significance?) 

    I learned that even now people are still racist, and that racism was not just a thing in the past. I learned that people aren’t fully accepting of others and that certain people are still looked down upon. 

    Finally, on a new piece of paper (or a new screen) use all the writing and thinking you have done to draft your education narrative. 

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    Ding! Ding! Ding! The sound of church bells sound throughout the entrance. Me and my family have just finished a Sunday mass and are all very hungry. I am probably around 12 years old currently. We decide to go to a Colombian restaurant that is close to where we live and has amazing pastries and Colombian coffee. We then walk around 20 minutes until we arrive to the restaurant. 

    We get seated to one of the back tables and are waiting for our waiter to come and take out order when we hear a loud ruckus coming from outside the restaurant. We all look stunned and confused as to what is happening. My father and I later decide to go and investigate what the noise is. As we get closer the noise gets louder and with each step, I take I become more anxious. I begin to contemplate if I want to go anymore but I go confidently after I realized I am with my dad. We arrive at the entrance of the restaurant and suddenly we begin to see a big crowd of people formed. We get to squeeze through all of them and we see a sight that wasn’t that important to me then but later was an important part of life. 

    I see a middle-aged man beating on a young, black teenager. At first, I was confused- Why are they fighting? I could also make out some words that the man was saying which were unrecognizable to me. While the man was saying these words, I looked at my dad and he had a sad, almost disgusted look in his face. What did these words mean? There were so many questions forming and not any answers. One last big question I had was why was nobody helping the kid? After a while someone finally came and separated the two people, leaving the scene. My father and I then went back to our table and my father explained to sister and mom what had happened, and they were also listening with a sort of sad expression. 

    I later asked my sister what eh words meant. She later explained to me that they were racist words, some that meant harm to the teen. I had thought that racism was a thing of the past and that it didn’t occur anymore. I also asked my sister one last important question. I asked her why no one was helping the kid. She then later said maybe nobody wanted to get hurt or everybody didn’t want to help the teen because he was black. I know my father wasn’t racist, so he didn’t help because he feared something happening to him while I was watching but why wasn’t anybody else even trying to help? This experience taught me an important lesson that I would never forget – racism is still alive and not just a thing of the past, which I had thought. 

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