The approach toward finalizing essays, or completing assignments is a way that most people will say is lazy. The way I tackle these assignments makes it seem like I’m procrastinating, or uninterested in getting a “good grade” without my assignments being read. However, I don’t disagree with the past judgments I’ve received from my peers at the time when it came to writing assignments. I know this has to change and I most definitely will change the way I tackle these assignments and become more motivated to work on bettering my work. I used to start my first draft by planning or outlining what to write about depending on the assignment, whether it was researching, a memoir or summarizing a text/story. I would plan out the main points or if it’s a memoir I would write down the first five memories that pop up in my head according to the topic like the Educational Narrative assignment. Then I used to write a paragraph each day of the week, or when I got really lazy especially when it came to a research paper in elementary through high school. I wouldn’t plan anything out, I used to skim through websites and write without trying, in a way my peers would call or say that I’m “bullshitting an essay”. But if you ask me? I must’ve been the best at bullshitting an essay due to the grades that I’d get, it was high and I received compliments from my old teachers which were pretty funny because they knew what I was doing. Back to doing a paragraph every day though, I did this to give me enough time to gather different aspects of creativity or remember certain parts in memory of what I’m trying to write about. Once I’m done with the draft, I’d bug my teachers a lot to correct my writings or help me find my errors and fix them, they were like my Grammarly. I would get advice from my teacher and my 2 close friends at the time. Lastly, I’d still have one draft, with a sheet of notes of advice and small corrections I gathered and needed to make, but I wouldn’t do anything yet. My lazy self would wait until the week of the finalized essay deadline, that’s when I would rush and fix everything by using everything I’ve gathered and end with a great grade. I got to stop procrastinating, and let the laziness practically eat me alive, there are many things I have to work on, and I’ve already started.