Prof. Jessica Penner | D438 | Fall 2022

Jacky Dong, my writing process

i usually start off with a lot of different thought at once, and try to put them down anywhere that has space. I’m the guy where i forget what was i thinking a second a go, so my work usually look very messy. And Im the type of person who does all the work in the last second. Therefore i always struggle with what to start and where should i start. The most hard part for me is to extend my idea on relating to only one topic. On the second draft ill try to connect details together to make them look possible, it will not always work and thats why my writing skills seems to be not that good.
I want to improve more in my imaginations, where i could come up with better words and better sentences. I want to make ideas pop out of my mine so I don’t have a hard time thinking of what to write. and I want to stop doing things in the last second because the work will come out sloppy.

1 Comment

  1. Jacky

    1. I decide to focus on my first year when I got to US
    2. This narrative will contain my learning process and how I grew up
    3. Educated
    4. Teachers, New York, my conversations with my buddies, feels like I am more difficult at learning
    5. Begain with my homework in class not turned in
    6. Begain to have find a fine way to learn and getting more use to writing
    7. I learned more than just English and math, as well as guitars
    8. But it couldn’t fully finish learning it
    9. So continued on my carrer of learning

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