Prof. Jessica Penner | D438 | Fall 2022

Owen Zhang, Summary of Allegory of the Cave

Plato’s text “Allegory of the cave” is a place where prisoners are trapped in their desires and beliefs. The prisoner who is trapped is trying to get out to learn what the outside world is about. We are in a deep dark cave with a single fire that shows light and hope. They look like they are trapped and can’t get out of their own imagination and are always in that loop and can’t get out of that mindset. They look like they are lost and there are people who are trying to keep them there. And prevent them from going out to the outside world to learn and adapt to a new life outside the cave. There is a prisoner who is trying to escape this cave but doesn’t know what do to because they are both in a mindset where everything is darkness and their only hope is the fire as a simple of light. Once the prisoner finally escaped he finally learn the beauty of the new world and the mysterious wonders. It just took time for them to adjust to the new world and their new exploration. He learned the way of life is different in different places due to different ways of living and different ways of being human. They explored and gather new information about what they should do and learned survivability.

1 Comment

  1. Angie Ramirez

    Angie Ramirez 

    Summary of Allegory of the cave 

    When reading “ allegory of the cave “ it made me realize that your negative thoughts can sometimes take over you and trap you in an extremely dark place. Like a cave. And you feel like a prisoner that is stuck in this cave without knowing how to get out you tell yourself that this is your new reality but that’s not true when you think like this you tend to forget about the real world , you’re so trapped in your own negative mindset that you lose track of what’s actually going on around you. You might come across a really good opportunity without knowing it. but the truth is that you are the key to succeeding towards the light. You just have to believe in yourself. Learn how to trust yourself. And be open to learn from life and your mistakes. Once you learn how powerful these techniques can make you , you’ll see how many doors of opportunities open up for you. You will no longer feel trapped in a cave but instead be free and confident with your own self and life. 

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