Plato’s “Allegory of a Cave” is one of the most influential works of literature for philosopher. The story begins with Plato explaining that for a just and good society to be born there has to be a king who is a philosopher or a philosopher who is king. After this he begins his allegory. He explains there are prisoners’ in a cave. They are chained up and they carry objects with them. There is a fire in the cave that casts shadows which everyone believes to be the reality of things. He then says that if one prisoner figures out that the shadows are illusions and tries to go outside to the world he would get blinded by the sun, which then in turn would make the other people in the cave think it is a bad idea to go outside. He then goes on to state to Glaucon, who he’s been telling this story to, that people have to be accustomed to the dark to see light.