After a thorough read of each authors respective literary recollection on their life it can be stated that these authors set their idea in the education narrative portraying to the reader the strength of the indomitable will humans can have when pursuing education. The authors in their lives has gone through either a great tragedy or a challenge obstructing their advance in learning, but in their writings they spoke about overcoming what was set in front of them because they were passionate about learning more about their curiosity. For example, Frederick Douglas was a slave growing up and in his memoir he recalled how his mistress was told that African Americans did not deserve literacy skills this inhibited his learning of how to read and write, but possessing will he still stuck to his belief that he needs to be educated and would hone his skills from prying skills. To put one into context why this was a act of indomitable will is because of the saddening reality of slaves if Frederick were to be ever caught reading what awaited him was severe repercussions; he did so despite knowing this. Frederick wanted his audience to know what he was been through and that even in his darkest time he truly never stopped his pursuit for writing a common theme found in the other two pieces of literature.

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