Collage made of different pieces of writing, some handwritten, and some cut from a book and made to look like a flower. Highlighted words include "concrete language," "believe," "moment."
writing joy” by Julie Jordan Scott via Flickr CC BY 2.0

Before class on Wednesday, 9/28, you will…

  • Read “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott.
  • Work on your own “shitty first draft”! Look at the material you’ve generated through brainstorming and freewriting in this class.

During class, we will…


  • Lamott’s work using a worksheet based on Mike Bunn’s “How to Read Like a Writer.” You can find the worksheet under Course Profile > Files > ENG1101 Handouts > How to Read Like a Writer for Lamott.
  • Think about how you approach writing assignments and write a few sentences describing this approach.
    • For example, do you write several drafts? wait until the last minute? proofread carefully?
    • Give honest details! Then, add what you would like to change or improve about your writing process.
    • Share your thoughts with your small group.
  • Work on your own “shitty first drafts.”

Class on Thursday/Homework for Monday

Although tomorrow (Thursday) is on a Monday schedule, this class will not be meeting—but…

  • This is a writing assignment you must complete by 11:59 PM on 9/29. This will be a low-stakes writing assignment, which is worth 30% of your overall grade.
    • Remember our discussion in class today? After reading “Shitty First Drafts,” think about how you approach writing assignments and write a post describing this approach.
      • For example, do you write several drafts? wait until the last minute? proofread carefully? Give honest details! Then, add what you would like to change or improve about your writing process.
      • Create a post titled Full Name, My Writing Process and save it under the category Unit 1 Work.
      • Remember, it’s due by 11:59 PM on 9/29.
  • Complete a worksheet titled “Shitty First Draft” by our next class on Monday, 10/3. You can find it under Course Profile > Files > ENG1101 Handouts > Shitty First Draft.
    • This document will help guide you through writing your first draft of the Education Narrative, which is due 10/12!
  • Just because this class isn’t meeting tomorrow doesn’t mean your other Monday/Wednesday classes aren’t meeting! Be sure to follow your other professors’ instructions on this day!