The process of writing my education narrative was the same as me doing any other writing assignment. The introduction is challenging, no matter what type of writing assignment. It would usually take a while to start and have an idea. However, if I don’t like how my writing is coming along, I would have to start from scratch and repeat the same process. Usually, after my introduction, I can pick up the pace and keep up the momentum. Reading “Shitty First Draft” did affect my writing process. Despite how long it took to write my introduction, I kept writing whatever came to mind. It was all thanks to “Shitty First Draft.” I knew my first writing wasn’t going to be perfect. It was going to be a draft, so I kept thinking that it was the first draft, not the final assignment. This mindset helped me finish my draft. Despite the changes I made to my last writing, I still included many things I wrote down in my first draft. All I needed was something to push me forward into writing. And “Shitty First Draft” help contribute to that.