Prof. Jessica Penner | D4308 | Fall 2022

Alex Herrera, My Writing Process

1 Comment

  1. AlexH

    1.     What have you decided to focus on for your education narrative? Why have you chosen to tell this particular story?

    I will focus on privilege and how people are born with different privilege. I chose this because at young age I realized that people are born with different social and economic background.

    2.     What is the meaning/significance of your story? Why should people read it? Write this out in one sentence.

    People should read it because it talks about how you can still do better even with different backgrounds.

    3.     In one word, how do you want people to feel when they are done reading your story?


    4.     Freewrite details you remember about the situation you are describing: include people, places, dialogue, feelings, thoughts, etc. that are in some way connected to your story.

    Overwhelming. Pressure, around 14  years old, economic

    My family and community

    “Wasn’t fair” “how can the government allow this”

    Second, review what you have so far and try to label the features of your narrative arc. 

    1.     Exposition/Inciting Incident (who, what, when, where and how does your story begin?)

             My family and community

             Around the age of 14


             It begins with learning more about government


    2.     Rising Action (you should include a lot of the story details here)

    Asking my parents about their backgrounds and seeing members of my community 

    Remembering everything I asked for when I was little

    How my parents view money (very important)

    Pressure to be  successful

    3.     Climax (the moment of most drama and significance)

    Being furious that the  government can allow such things and getting involved more in politics. It also impacted my view on money and education

    4.     Falling Action (what happened after?)

    Think about my future and how to change to get a better life

    5.     Resolution (what was the result of this experience? What is the significance?)

    My view on the world. I believe the government should provide certain things like healthcare and free college. People would say that I’m a bit of a socialist. 

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